WNC SOUTH WALES – The first event!

Andy Lewis, WNC South Captain

Andy Lewis writes his first article for the WNC to introduce their first event:

The first installment of the South Wales Championships is nearly upon us, and we’re really excited to kick things off on Saturday 8th March. It’s still not too late to sign up and join in as well! All you have to do is head over to the Vale Renegades discord channel:


Each of the South Wales Championships qualifiers will be organised on the discord chat and advertised on the WNC website. sign-up to the WNC south mailing list and to the discord – events category which will have a thread for each event. We look forward to welcoming you along!

All the result from the WNC south league will be posted here! (click the button below)

The South Wales Championships are an expansion of the previous Renegades Rumble events run by the Vale Renegades, and as per those events the South Wales Championships will be organised in a very similar fashion with the same organisers. All of the events are organised out of the fantastic Firestorm Games venue, with food provided in the ticket price from the Firestorm Games Café. There are prizes on offer for various awards and we’ll be getting as many of the attendees together for a meal in the evening to cap off the whole day.

Fire storm, location of the WNC South events

If you think you’d be interested in joining in then feel free to check out any of the South Wales Championships qualifiers, we have 7 on offer this year and we hope to see you at as many as you can attend!


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